
Remarks At The 2nd Peace Diplomacy Convention Dr. Gary Song-Huann LIN 22 January 2018 Your Excellency Mr. Rey Runtgen Del Rosario, Chairman of the International Peace Diplomacy Corps, Your Excellencies, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen. Good afternoon Everybody! There is no better time for me to speak about FOSTERING CULTURAL DIPLOMACY IN CONTEMPORARY TIMES than at this point in time, when the world geopolitical situation is fast- changing, unpredictable and complex. As we know, culture is not only about art, music, dance and literature of a particular society, but also includes the traditions, language, cuisine, costumes, way of life, customs and beliefs of a particular nation. As a matter of fact, culture is the SOUL and most important element of any nation. The best way to understand another nation or befriend another nation is through the understanding of its culture and history. It is only through culture that mankind can transcend political rivalries, military conflicts and various man-made barriers and differences. A former French Minister for culture once stated: “⋯ culture is an antidote to violence, because it invites us to understand others and fosters tolerance, by encouraging us to encounter the imaginary and other cultures. ” Traditionally, cultural diplomacy was seen as a part of public diplomacy to pursue its foreign policy goals, to combat stereotyping, develop mutual understanding, and advance national reputation. The American political scientist and author, Milton C. Cummings, defined Cultural Diplomacy as: “ the exchange of ideas, information, values, systems, traditions, beliefs, and other aspects of culture, with the intention of fostering mutual understanding ” . In the field of international relations, cultural diplomacy has played a crucial role since the end of WWII in building relations among states. It served as a constructive channel at times of political tension and strife. A significant post-war US-led project, alongside the Marshall plan, was the export of Jazz music to Europe, conveying the message of democracy to a broad public. In US Foreign Policy, cultural diplomacy has been defined as “ the linchpin of public diplomacy; for it is in cultural activities that a nation’s idea of itself is best represented ⋯ (it) reveals the soul of a nation. ” 47 外交部通訊 The MOFA Quarterly 第 36 卷 第 1 期