條 約 名 稱
外    文    名    稱
民用航空器貿易協定(譯) The Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
91. 1. 1
91. 2. 1
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間航空氣象現代化作業系統發展技術合作協議書第五號執行辦法(譯) Implementing Arrangement Number 5 Acceptance Testing of an Advanced Operational Aviation Weather System (AOAWS) to the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Cooperation associated with Establishment of Advanced Operational Aviation Weather Systems
91. 1.29
91. 1. 1
經濟部標準檢驗局與日本品質保證機構瞭解備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) and the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)
91. 2. 8
91. 2.14
國科會與英國倫敦工程及物理科學研究委員會合作備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between the National Science Council, Taipei and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
91. 3. 7
91. 3. 7
中華民國政府與布吉納法索政府間醫療技術合作協定議定書延期換文(譯) Echange des Notes Verbales sur le Protocole d'Accord Relatif à la Coopération Technique Médicale entre le Gouvernement de la République de Chine et le Gouvernement du Burkina Faso(法文)
91. 3.11
91. 4.19
中華民國農業委員會與巴布亞紐幾內亞農牧部間農業技術合作協定續約(譯) Extension Agreement on Agricultural Technical Cooperation between the Council of Agriculture of the Republic of China and the Department of Agriculture and Livestock of Papua New Guinea
91. 3.13
90. 9.19
中華民國與巴拿馬共和國間技術合作協定延期換文(譯) Canje de Notas entre la República de China y la República de Panamá Relacionadas a la Extensión del Acuerdo de Cooperación Técnica(西文)
91. 3.18
Henri Poincaré法國南希第一大學和台灣林業試驗所間協定備忘錄(譯) Convention Internationale (法文)/International Agreement (英文) Université Henri Poincaré -Nancy I France and Taiwan Forestry Research Institute Taiwan
91. 3.19
91. 9. 1
國科會與法國國家資訊暨自動化研究院合作備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation between the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique and National Science Council
91. 3.26
91. 3.26
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間之刑事司法互助協定 Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office and the American Institute in Taiwan
91. 3.26
91. 3.26
標準檢驗局與沙烏地阿拉伯標準局技術合作協議 Program of Technical Cooperation between Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) and the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO)
91. 4. 4
91. 4. 4
國科會與瑞典研究委員會科學合作協議(譯) Agreement of the Scientific Cooperation between the National Science Council in Taipei and the Swedish Research Council
91. 4. 8
91. 4.24
駐英國台北代表處與駐台北英國貿易文化辦事處避免所得稅及財產交易所得稅雙重課稅及防杜逃稅協定 Agreement between the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom and the British Trade and Cultural Office, Taipei for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Gains
91. 4. 8
92. 1. 1
中華民國政府與馬拉威共和國政府間技術暨職業訓練合作協定 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Malawi on Technical and Vocational Training Cooperation
91. 4.15
91. 4.15
中華民國政府與馬拉威共和國政府間技術暨職業訓練合作原協定效期延長及修改新協定簽署日期換文(譯) Exchange of Letters of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Malawi on Technical and Vocational Training Cooperation
91. 4.18
91. 7.16
中華民國與吐瓦魯間技協備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of China and Tuvalu
91. 4.19
91. 4.19
台北經濟部與聖地牙哥經濟部瞭解備忘錄 Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economics in Santiago and the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taipei
91. 4.25
91. 4.26
中華民國政府與甘比亞共和國政府間農業技術合作協定延期換文(譯) The Exchange of Notes to Renew the Agreement of Agricultural Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of the Gambia
91. 5.13
91. 5.21
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間技術合作發展發射並操作氣象、電離層及氣候之衛星星系觀測系統協議第一號執行協定(譯) Implementing Arrangement Number 1 to the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Cooperation Associated with Development, Launch and Operation of a Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate
91. 5.14
91. 5.14
國家量測標準與國家計量機構核發校正及量測證明相互認可辦法(譯) Mutual Recognition of National Measurement Standards and of Calibration and Measurement Certificates Issued by National Metrology Institutes
91. 6. 3
91. 6. 3
駐加拿大台北經濟文化代表處與加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處間電磁相容性檢驗相互承認協定換函(譯) Exchange of Letters between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada and the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei concerning Mutual Recognition Arrangement for Equipment subject to Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Regulations
91. 6. 7
91. 6. 7
【亞東關係協會與日本交流協會】[二00二年]第三國研修「研議議事錄」 第三研修「討論議事錄」(日文)
91. 7.12
91. 7.15
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間有關漁業及養殖合作備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office and the American Institute in Taiwan concerning Cooperation in Fisheries and Aquaculture
91. 7.30
91. 7.30
台灣公平交易委員會、澳大利亞競爭消費委員會及紐西蘭商業委員會間適用競爭暨公平法規合作辦法(譯) Cooperation Arrangement between the Taipei Fair Trade Commission, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, and the New Zealand Commerce Commission regarding the Application of Competition and Fair Trading Laws
91. 7.30
91. 7.30
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間有關氣象預報系統發展技術合作協議第十四號執行辦法(譯) Implementing Arrangement #14 Continuing Development of the Local Analysis and Prediction System Development of a Warning Decision Support System Pursuant to the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan
91. 8. 2
91. 8. 2
太平洋認證合作組織多邊相互承認協議(譯) Pacific Accreditation Cooperation
Multilateral Recognition Arrangement
91. 8. 7
91. 8. 7
中華民國政府與貝里斯政府間派遣國際合作發展基金會志工協定 Agreement Between The Government of Belize and The Government of the Republic of China on ICDF Volunteers
91. 8.13
91. 8.13
經濟部標準檢驗局與日本電器安全環境研究所瞭解備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection BSMI and Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Technology Laboratories JET
91. 8.15
91. 8.15
經濟部標準檢驗局與瑞士品質保證驗證協會瞭解備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding relating to the Mutual Recognition of Management System Certificates between the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection and Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems
91. 8.29
91. 8.29
台法文化獎協議追增協定 Avenant à la Convention de la Fondation Culturelle Franco-Chinoise
91. 9.12
91. 9.12
台北-莫斯科經濟文化協調委員會與莫斯科-台北經濟文化協調委員會就中小企業領域合作原則瞭解備忘錄 Memorandum of Understanding between Moscow-Taipei Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission and Taipei-Moscow Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission on the Principles of Cooperation in the Realm of Small and Medium Enterprises
91. 9.19
91. 9.19
國際認證論壇多邊相互承認協議(譯) International Accreditation Forum, Inc.
Multilateral Recognition Arrangement
91. 9.22
91. 9.22
中華民國政府與史瓦濟蘭王國政府間農業技術合作協定延期換文(譯) Exchange of Notes concerning the Extension of the Agreement of Agricultural Technical Cooperation between the Republic of China and the Kingdom of Swaziland
91.10. 8
92. 1.11
中華民國政府與塞內加爾共和國政府間農業技術合作協定延期換文(譯) Echange des Lettres de l'Accord de Coopération Technique Agricole entre le Gouvernement de la République de Chine et le Gouvernement du Sénégal (法文)
91.10. 8
中華民國與聖多美普林西比民主共和國政府間農業技術合作協定續約換文(譯) Troca de Notas sobre a Prorroga do Acordo de Cooperacao Tecnica Agricola entre o Governo da Republica da China e o Governo da Republica Democratica de Sao Tome e Principe(葡文)
台法能源合作備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between Energy Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei and l'Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie (ADEME), Paris on Cooperation within the Field of Energy
經濟部標準檢驗局與泰國管理系統驗證機構瞭解備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection and the Management System Certification Institute
駐台北泰國貿易經濟辦事處與駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處間聘僱泰籍勞工協定(譯) Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand and the Thailand Trade and Economic Office in Taipei on Employment of Thai Workers
91.12. 2
91.12. 2
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間水資源發展技術支援協議第四號修正案(譯) Amendment No.4 to the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Assistance in Areas of Water Resource Development
91.12. 4
91.12. 4
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間水資源發展技術支援協議第六號附錄第一號修正案(譯) Amendment No.1 to Appendix No. 6 to the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Assistance in Areas of Water Resource Development
91.12. 4
91.12. 4
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間水資源發展技術支援協議第七號附錄第一號修正案(譯) Amendment No.1 to Appendix No. 7 to the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Assistance in Areas of Water Resource Development
91.12. 4
91.12. 4
北美事務協調委員會與美國在台協會環境保護技術合作協定第五號執行辦法公元二00二年與二00三年美國會計年度計畫(譯) Implementing Arrangement #5 to the Agreement between the Coordination Council for North American Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection for Fiscal Year 2002 and 2003 Program Implementation
91.12. 9
91.12. 9
駐英國台北代表處與駐台北英國貿易文化辦事處避免所得稅及財產交易所得稅雙重課稅及防杜逃稅協定之修正換函(譯) Agreement between the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom and the British Trade and Cultural Office, Taipei for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Gains
92. 1. 1
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間航空氣象現代化作業系統發展技術合作協議第六號執行協定(譯) Implementing Arrangement Number 6 Consultancy Services for the Advanced Operational Aviation Weather System (AOAWS) to the Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Cooperation associated with Establishment of Advanced Operational Aviation Weather Systems
92. 1. 1


條 約 名 稱
外 文 名 稱
中華民國政府與多明尼加共和國政府間投資促進暨保護協定 Acuerdo para la Protección y Promoción Reciprocas de las Inversiones entre el Gobierno de la República de China y el Gobierno de la República Dominicana(西文)
87.11. 5
91. 4.25
中華民國與巴拉圭共和國間關於保護智慧財產權協定 Acuerdo sobre Protección Mutua de los Derechos de la Propiedad Intelectual entre la República de China y la República del Paraguay(西文)
91. 6.10
台灣、澎湖、金門及馬祖個別關稅領域加入馬拉喀什設立世界貿易組織協定之議定書及附件(譯) Protocol on the Accession of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu to the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization
91. 1. 1
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間紡織品貿易協定延長一年效期換文 Exchange of Letters concerning an Extension of the Current Agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan Concerning Trade in Textile and Apparel Products
91. 1. 1
台北市航空運輸商業同業公會與澳門航空有限公司互免航空公司稅捐瞭解備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding concerning Reciprocal Exemption with Respect to Certain Taxes on Airlines between Taipei Airlines Association and Air Macau Company Limited
91. 4.26
中華民國行政院衛生署與越南國家人口暨家庭計畫委員會瞭解備忘錄(譯) Memorandum of Understanding between The National Committee for Population and Family Planning, Vietnam and The Department of Health, Taiwan, R.O.C.
91. 1. 1
中華民國國際合作發展基金會與泰國皇家計畫基金會間農業技術合作協定 Agreement on the Agricultural Technical Cooperation between the International Cooperation and Development Fund, Republic of China and the Royal Project Foundation, Kingdom of Thailand
91. 1. 1